London Perambulator panel discussion at LIDF

Photo: Aneta Kosmala

Great panel discussion after the screening of the London Perambulator at the Free Word Centre last night in the London International Documentary Festival. Nick Papadimitriou and I were joined by Anna Minton, writer and journalist, author of ‘Ground Control’; Dr Fran Tonkiss, director of the LSE Cities Programme; Prof. Matthew Gandy, director of the UCL Urban Laboratory; and Patrick Hazard, director of the LIDF.
There seemed to be a consensus amongst the experts on the panel that psychogeography was dead – in part killed off by its adoption by academia (I still, romantically perhaps, cling on to the idea that it has a role to play in our understanding of the built environment as it is experienced). There was also agreement that with Deep Topography, Nick was pursuing a different path altogether with an emphasis on the experience of topography and a non-programmatic approach to exploring the suburban realm (or Stockbroker Belt as I think Nick would prefer to term it).

Laura Jenkinson has written this insightful report of the evening.
The London International Documentary Festival continues till 8th May.


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