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  2. Robin   •  

    I’m sure you know Arthur Morrison’s book “To London Town”. Its opening account of a family living in the forest in the 1890s is wonderful; also the description of their journey to a new life in Blackwall, their cart gradually leaving the country and encountering the growth of London.
    Below is a (very much) edited extract from the early chapters. I would love to trace these places on a detailed Map, and follow the journey later described:
    “This way and that, between and about trees and undergrowth, an indistinct path went straggling by easy grades to the lower ground by Wormleyton Pits … and across the farther ground of Genesis Slade. Now and again a gap among the trees let through red light from beyond Woodredon.
    Sloes were rare this year near home, so they searched their way through the Wake Valley to
    Honey Lane Quarters. It was a long and scratchy task; and, when it was finished, they were well
    up in St. Thomas’s Quarters, and the sun was setting. They made the best of their way back as far as the road near the Dun Cow, and there parted. Bessy turned up the lane that led to the cottage, and Johnny took to the woods again for Theydon, by way to right of Wormleyton Pits”.
    Can you help?

    • JohnR   •     Author

      I must find that book Robin – thanks.
      All the places mentioned are marked on the OS Map and feature both on this blog and in my various videos of Epping Forest walks on YouTube

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