The incredible shrinking park

The London Olympic Park certainly is ‘No Ordinary Park’ as dubbed in the marketing tag line – it just keeps getting smaller and smaller while sprouting bigger and more impressive cranes. Where once there were international sporting events there are now world class cement mixers, spectators have been replaced by phalanxes of builders in hard hats and fluro vests.  The true London Olympic Legacy appears to be a never ending building scheme.

1 Comment

  1. Dominic Kasteel   •  

    I and friends have walked, cycled and taken children to play in the Olympic Park since its completion and we agree that there has never been a time without fenced off parts being developed. Now it appears that a road is being constructed along the Western border and this will increase pollution levels in a public space where this is the last thing we need.

    Who exactly is protecting this publicly funded asset, or is it now a profit-making free-for-all that totally ignores the public? In addition, why is it managed by a draconian agency who stopped us filming a children’s activity and were rude and aggressive. I would never want to contribute to a publicly funded project like this again, without guarantees that the public would be protected.

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