Walking the Capital Ring from Richmond to Horsenden Hill

A walk along sections 7, 8, and part of Walk 9 of London’s Capital Ring

This glorious walk feels a long time ago now. It was early March and looking for ideas for a walk I found the leaflets for the Capital Ring I’d picked up in Islington Libraries about 20 years ago. I was feeling a bit under the weather, so the walks being divided into roughly 5-mile sections was handy. In the end I walked Sections 7, 8 and the first half of Walk 9 which took me to the top of Horsenden Hill for a Glorious sunset.

Walk 7 – Richmond Bridge to Osterley Lock. This route takes us along the Thames Path to Isleworth, then through Syon Park to Brentford Bridge where we pick up the Grand Union Canal to Osterley Lock.

Walk 8 – Osterley Lock to Greenford. Continuing along the Grand Union Canal we then follow the River Brent beneath the Wharncliffe Viaduct at Hanwell and on to Greenford.

Walk 9Horsenden Hill and Sudbury Hill. With the light fading I continued to the summit of Horsenden Hill before continuing in the gloom to Sudbury Hill.


  1. Peter Marshall   •  

    Hi John.

    You walked past the first pub I bought a pint in on that picturesque street in Isleworth (now a private house) as a 16 year old sea scout, and the river where we paddled by the Ait as kids – you can walk across easily at low tide if you don’t mind getting very muddy. The London Apprentice was much posher, more expensive and wouldn’t serve underage drinkers.

    I’ve walked every part of your route many times over the years – and of course photographed along it. A few pictures from 1977 at https://www.flickr.com/photos/petermarshall/albums/72157712044771183 including the canal docks – now flats – and a couple of that one remaining shed before it became a roofless art project. But many more pictures over the years – most recently I think in 2018 or 2019 – there are some in walks mainly around London sandwiched in between the protests on My London Diary, easy to find on the site search.


  2. Pingback: Crystal Palace to Streatham Common on the Capital Ring - the lost byway

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