Today sees the official publication of my new book, Welcome to New London – journeys and encounters in the post-Olympic city.
When I’d started writing in the summer of 2013 the aim had been relatively simple: to document a new London that was emerging from the ashes of the Olympic Games. My previous book, This Other London had been inspired by topographical writers of the early twentieth century who’d explored the new London given birth by the expansion of the railways and had seen suburbs sprout in the fields around the city. My walks in overlooked London were a rediscovery of their territory. So now I felt I had a duty to do the same in this century as nascent villages and suburbs were once again spawning across the capital.
Writing in 1947, Harold P. Clunn observed in London Marches On: ‘To produce a book on London absolutely up-to-date, even though no new buildings were erected for several years, is uncommonly like attempting to emulate the feat of Joshua who commanded the sun to stand still’. And so that has been the case.
You can read the whole introduction on 3:AM magazine.
Here are some links to places where you can buy Welcome to New London and you can also order through your local bookshop.
Newham Bookshop
Wanstead Bookshop
The Bookseller Crow
Barnes and Noble
Booktopia (Aus)
The Lost Byway (signed) – note only UK postage included for signed copies (contact for details of postage and signed copies in other territories)
I’ll be signing books at Phlox in Leyton on Friday 3rd November 7pm
CONGRATULATIONS! I will get it on Amazon.
P.s. Ioved your st James walk. Magical!!
Thanks so much Christine
Congrats John, loved the first one and I’m sure this will be just as amazing!
Many thanks Jeff
Ordered today (11th) from Waterstones to Finland…look forward to a good read soon
Thanks so much Stuart
Ordered from Foyles! The teasing is over- sure it will be worth the wait 😉
P.S Love the cover design…
Many thanks Bart
Pre-ordered and eagerly awaiting!
Thanks Darren- it’ll be posted this week