A Walk Through 2023

Massive thank you for all your support in 2023 and joining me on these fantastic walks and explorations. We’ve walked rivers and brooks from the Quaggy, Shuttle, Brent, Wye, Medway, Lea, Beverley Brook, Norbury Brook, Stonebridge Brook, and drifted down the River Roding in a coracle. We’ve explored London North, South, East and West from Barking Riverside to Streatham Common, and from Perivale to Crouch End. The City of London has offered up some of its many secrets and mysteries with many many more to uncover. And we’ve ventured beyond along the Medway Estuary and the Kent Coast, out to Buckinghamshire, Norwich, Woodbridge in Suffolk and even to explore Seville in Spain. What an amazing year it’s been and none of it would be possible without you coming along.

Here’s to another great year of walking and exploring in 2024.


  1. Duncan   •  

    Thanks for your posts. I do enjoy them.

    • JohnR   •     Author

      Much appreciated Duncan

  2. RiverRepublic   •  

    Hi John, Thanks for all the walks, great videos and escapism in 2023. A thing of everyday beauty in a sometimes troubled world. Will your new book be available on Audiobook in 2024? Sorry if already asked elsewhere. All Best RR

    • JohnR   •     Author

      Many thanks RR. I hope to record an audiobook at some point this year.

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