What’s my most difficult walk and other questions

Part 2 of my epic Q&A video where I answer more of your fantastic questions about London and walking. Please subscribe for regular videos

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Some of the questions:

  • At the moment I’m working in Waterloo. I’ve become enamoured with this area. Could you walk though it for documentation before it’s lost to “gentrification”.
  • What’s the best area/borough to leave in London now having children comparing with safety, spending and commitment?
  • Worked in London in the seventies and on my time off used to hop on tube to go visit to get to see different places. Did that mean I was an early psychogeographer ?👍
  • In what ways have areas of London like Clerkenwell, KX and Shoreditch changed in your time in London? All have the air of massive transformation, with Exmouth Market now feeding Clerkenwell office workers, the many pubs, bars and restaurants of Shoreditch catering to East Anglian revellers and the incredible modernisation of the once derelict KX. Did you ever think such transformation was possible?
  • What’s your most memorable chance meeting while walking?
  • What is the most ambitious/difficult/technical etc. walk/hike you have ever attempted?
  • Please recommend a good walking shoe/ boot, suitable for walking on wet/ muddy grass in parks and open spaces.
  • If you could do your amazing walks in another UK city which would you choose and why?
  • John what happened to the rising Sun pond.Spent many happy hours fishing there and hiring a boat.

And many more….

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