Mighty London Q&A: Best walks, pubs, books, days out

Here are the questions answered in my mighty YouTube Q&A video:
Hi John, What made you decide to do these videos and podcasts ? Don’t ever stop – they are fantastic! I look forward to them each week
have you ever thought of returning to a past walk but at a completely different season or weather to get a different feel for the walk
John I’ve always wondered what you keep in that rucksack of yours? Your videos are just the best.
I’d love to see a walk around Canterbury or York with so much history. Have you ever considered one of those cities ?
Would you consider recording a podcast series of London walks that people could follow whilst listening.
If you could spend a month walking around another city anywhere in the world, where would you choose and why?
I was wondering if you’ll ever feature neighbouring Queenstown Rd ? It always seemed to me so underappreciated and full of history.
I’d like to ask if you have a favourite modern London building – maybe one constructed in the last 20-30 years?
Out of all the historical figures in London’s history, who intrigues you the most and why?
Hi John, would you be able to elaborate more on the concept of psychogeography?

Would a video about pagan London be a possibility? Thanks, Tom.
I would love to see a walk including the history of the Huguenots in London
Hello John. Would you be up for a sideline in guided walks?
My question is how do you determine which areas you start your walk in.
I love your London walks but would you consider doing some other cities?
What has been the most meaningful or thought-provoking conversation you’ve had during your walks?
Hi John, Is there any area of london that makes you feel a bit sad when considering how much history/architecture has been lost to modern development?
Have you recently found something out about London that’s surprised you and made you say “well I never knew that?”
If you were to draw the route of all of your walks around London onto a map, what do you think would be the two most distant points that you could connect with a continuous line?
Hi John. Have you done much on the various Guilds, Worshipful or otherwise, of old London Town? What is the historical relationship between the Guilds and The City Of Westminster? Or Guilds vs Church? How do The Guilds fit into the great 3D jigsaw that is London?
What’s your scariest experience while walking in London or surrounding area?
What is/are your favourite pub/pubs in London . What walk/pub crawl would you recommend?
If for some unforeseen reason you were granted one last walk wish – which of the many perambulations you have completed would you choose to do ? As an extra feature what would be your preferred pub and pint at the end of said walk ?
A few days ago, I was reading an online article about the Essex Way. It runs from Epping out to Harwich. Are you aware of this route or covered any part of it yet?
Hi John what is your favourite tube station ?? Favourite Underground tube line ?? And favourite bus route?? And why??
Have you considered walking the historic River Wey from it’s rising at Haslemere to confluence with the Thames at Weybridge?
Do you miss the walks through larkings orchards and fields, I can remember you and your dad and the jack Russell trotting off for your evening walks
Could you recommend a Sunday afternoon walk within zones 1 and 2
that ends in a great area or place for lunch.
Are you planning to do a walk with those two chaps, can’t remember their names, but they joined you at Maiden Bower and at the huge barrows in Essex some years back.
Have you had any issues with your knees? I recently started with arthritis in mine and I’m less inclined to walk. Any tips?
Why not once a month do a ‘Notorious’ walk, depicting the atrocities that happened there, for example, the blitzed east end, Jack the Rippers Whitechapel/Spitalfields, area of 10 Rillington place, Plague pits, Dickens Victorian squalor walks
Devils acre etc. Just a thought.
Hi John can you please visit Cornwall and do a late summer coastal walk ?

Hi John. Where do you think is the most relaxing place in all of London? Or maybe even top three?
Would you consider doing a meet and greet/talk in a pub at some point?
How tired are you after a walk?
Hello John,just wondered if you would be interested in some facts of Leyton around Skeltons Lane.
You must do a piece on Hill Hall in Theydon Mount, Epping. Stunning mansion with tons of history which has now been converted into luxury £1m+ flats. Go see it!
Would you ever do a night walk, provided its safe and moonlit or streetlit or torchlit enough ?
I can’t remember you doing a Marylebone area walk.
If you were going to take a couple of kids out on a London trip ( I only know Soho) where’s something interesting, they’re about 7 I think, my girlfriend’s little ‘uns…love your shows…
How many pairs of walking boots do you
get through each year?
Do you have a driving licence, if no have you ever driven a car or do you dislike cars. Thanks for the great walks